IDI-44-970 MFG #: 44-970
$0.00 /
  • Best Seller: False
  • Country Origin: USA
  • Dangerous Goods: False
  • Discontinued: False
  • Featured Product: False
  • Green Product: False
  • Limited Quantity: False
  • Made in Canada: False
  • Manufacturer: IDEAL INDUSTRIES
  • Manufacturer Category: 751
  • Mfr Vendor ID: 182
  • Oversize product: False
  • Restricted Delivery: False
  • SPF Product ID: 333370
  • Unit of Measure: E
  • UPC: 783250449705
  • Web Group: 3110100000000LO
Basic Lockout/Tagout Kit

A great selection of the most popular lockout/tagout devices
Small nylon zipper pouch features belt loops and d-rings for easy
attachment to belts, tool pouches, tool carts and more
Kit 44-970 Includes:

(2) 44-810
Hinged Single-Pole Breaker Lockouts
(1) 44-809
Universal 277V Breaker Lockout/Single Pole
(1) 44-807
480/600V Breaker Lockout
(1) 44-789
Wall Switch Lockout
(1) 44-906
3/4 in. Red Padlock
(1) 44-800
1 in. Safety Lockout Hasp
(5) 44-849
Lockout Tags – Do Not Operate (striped)
(1) 44-783
Universal Multi-Pole Breaker Lockout
(1) 44-818
110V Plug Lockout
(1) IA-3240
Zipper Pouch