MLO-5441D MFG #: 5441D
$0.00 /
  • Best Seller: False
  • Dangerous Goods: False
  • Discontinued: False
  • Featured Product: False
  • Green Product: False
  • Limited Quantity: False
  • Made in Canada: False
  • Manufacturer: MASTER LOCK
  • Mfr Vendor ID: 245
  • Oversize product: False
  • Restricted Delivery: False
  • SPF Product ID: 2343732
  • Web Group: 3110100000000
The Master Lock No. 5441D Bluetooth® Wall-Mount Lock Box. Open and manage with your smartphone or with temporary or permanent codes. Monitor who visits and when through the App and notifications. Easily installed using hardware supplied with the lock box. Large capacity to hold key cards or traditional keys. Long life battery is easily replaceable. Solid body durability and coated surface to protect hardware and door finish. Works with the free Master Lock® Vault Home App.