MMM-340-4001 MFG #: 340-4001
$0.00 /
  • Best Seller: False
  • Country Origin: US
  • Dangerous Goods: False
  • Discontinued: True
  • Featured Product: False
  • Green Product: False
  • Hearing Protection Products: Ear Plugs, Uncorded
  • Limited Quantity: False
  • Made in Canada: False
  • Manufacturer: 3M CANADA
  • Manufacturer Category: SAFETY
  • Manufacturer Product Code: 7000002335
  • Mfr Vendor ID: 594
  • Oversize product: False
  • Restricted Delivery: False
  • Special Attributes: Discontinued
  • SPF Product ID: 411870
  • Unit of Measure: E
  • UPC: 10080529400007
  • Web Group: 5040102000000
• Stem helps users insert earplug into their ear canals
• No need to touch the ear tips during earplug insertion, helping to keep ear tips clean longer
• Soft polymer is washable and reusable
• Compatible with the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Validation System
• Noise reduction rating (NRR)*: 25 dB for standard Ultrafit and 27 dB for Ultrafit 27.
• CSA Class AL
• *U.S. EPA specifies the NRR as the measure of hearing protector noise reduction. However, 3M makes no warranties as to the suitability of the NRR for this purpose. 3M strongly recommends personal fit testing of hearing protectors. Research suggests that users may receive less noise reduction than indicated by the attenuation label value(s) on the packaging due to variation in fit, fitting skill, and motivation of the user. Refer to applicable regulations or guidance on how to adjust attenuation label values. It is recommended that the NRR be reduced by 50% to better estimate typical protection.
• Vinyl or cloth material options for cords